
Owl Cupcakes

Whooo wouldn't love an Owl cupcake?!?!

Lots of my baking lately has been donations for church events. Back in February I made these Owl cupcakes for a YW New Beginnings night. It was crazy to get these completed, but they were there just in time for everyone to enjoy. I made 75+ mini cupcakes for the attendees, but these special Owl cupcakes were for the YW themselves. They were displayed on these awesome cupcakes stands made out of wood. I've used them several times, but you have seen them here being used at the Cowboy party. They are starting to dry out and break, but I'll just have to ask the Hubba-Bubba to make some for me.

Bridal Shower Cupcakes

My sister is getting MARRIED!!! 

I only have one sister, but she's the best sister ever. She's beautiful, talented, and not just agrees to babysit, but calls randomly to offer to babysit. Anyway, my sister had a bridal shower with her bridesmaids so it gave me the opportunity to make this bridal gown cupcake display. I love it, but I love her more!  I am so excited for her wedding, I'll be making a 4 tiered cake and 400-500 cupcakes. I'm exhausted thinking about it, but she's worth it. And chEATday's motto is "make it worth it" 

Girl on Fire Cupcakes

I made 5 dozen cupcakes for Young Women's camp, the theme was "GIRL ON FIRE" What do you think... did I achieve a fire with the frosting?

I really was worried about these melting, not because of my awesome frosting fire, but because of this darn heat! Everything worked out well and I was told they set the girls mouths on fire, in a good way ;)


Tiered Wedding Cake

My wonderful sister-in-law got married last year I was privileged enough to be asked to make the wedding cake. Here's the thing:


With that said, she's my husband's youngest sister and I even offered to do this for her. I always suggest  that brides do fake cakes for their wedding, with the top tier real. Here's why:

  • I hate making wedding cakes (remember)
  • It'll look much prettier, no fault lines for example
  • Transportation is a lot less risky
  • The beautiful wedding cake stays beautiful throughout the reception, no wedding cake massacre
  • The top tier is real so you can cut into it for the couple's first bite
  • No freezing a layer for a year (I'll make a replica for the anniversary because 1 year old freezer cake just doesn't sound tasty) 
  • Have cakes in the kitchen for serving your guests
This is all just my opinion of course. It was a HUGE cake with double thick layers. I was climbing on my kitchen table to get the fondant all rolled out for the bottom tier. I loved the bride's choice of decor, it was classy and simple. It took several hours and hours to get this done, but it was a labor of love and turned out beautiful. The top layer was the bride's favorite, a lemon chiffon with lemon curd filling. Several different sizes of white and silver sugar balls, some silver sprinkles, royal icing adorned the top of each layer and overflowed onto the sides. Congrats to the lovely couple!